Goldman Sachs Collections Main Library

Goldman Sachs Collections Main Library

GS Collections is a collections framework for Java. It has JDK-compatible List, Set and Map implementations with a rich API and set of utility classes that work with any JDK compatible Collections, Arrays, Maps or Strings. The iteration protocol was inspired by the Smalltalk colle...

Versión Repositorio Usos Fecha
7.0.x 7.0.3 central mar. 14, 2016
7.0.1 central dic. 23, 2015
7.0.0 central oct. 28, 2015
6.2.x 6.2.0 central jun. 09, 2015
6.1.x 6.1.0 central mar. 25, 2015
6.0.x 6.0.0 central feb. 06, 2015
5.1.x 5.1.0 central jun. 05, 2014
5.0.x 5.0.0 central mar. 25, 2014
4.2.x 4.2.0 central nov. 06, 2013
4.1.x 4.1.0 central oct. 04, 2013