

<b>JCAPTCHA</b>, for <b>J</b>ava <b>C</b>ompletely <b>A</b>utomated <b>P</b>ublic <b>T</b>est to tell <b>C</b>omputers and <b>H</b>umans <b>A</b>part <br/>The open source java framework for captcha definition and integration <br/> A captcha is a simple captcha container that contains a question, a challenge, and a response validation routine.<BR/> A captcha can only be built by a captcha factory that provides methods to build localized captchas.<br/> This jar aims to provide interfaces and implementation of generic and typed captcha and captcha factories.<BR/> It uses the word generator, types sub packages (image and sound) components (word to image, word to sound) to build typed captchas captchas.

Compile las dependencias (5)

Test las dependencias (1)

Grupo / Artefacto Versión Versión Más Reciente
com.octo.captcha » jcaptcha-common-test 1.0 NA